Overseas Fund Regime

The Overseas Fund Regime, Marketing and More

What is the Overseas Funds Regime?

The Overseas Funds Regime (OFR) is a new legislative gateway to allow certain investment funds established outside the UK to be promoted in the UK, including to retail clients. If a fund applies for and is given “recognised scheme” status under the OFR, it can be promoted in the same way as an authorised collective investment scheme established in the UK. 

Under the OFR asset managers without a UK authorised entity will require a UK firm to approve and take responsibility for all marketing materials directed at the UK market.

How can RiskSave help?

Under the OFR when applying to the FCA, you'll need to nominate a UK entity responsible for the approval and supervision of your financial promotions.

RiskSave is actively selecting fund managers to join our OFR platform, with a dedicated team of experienced compliance and investment professionals in London and Edinburgh RiskSave can become your UK distribution partner.

The RiskSave platform offers tied agent, appointed representative and financial promotion approval services. As the longest-established specialist we are ready to help guide you through the UK fund market.

Relevant Dates.

30 September 2024: The OFR opens for funds that are not in the Temporary Marketing Permissions Regime (TMPR).

1 October 2024 — 31 December 2024: Stand-alone schemes in the TMPR can apply for recognition.

1 November 2024 — 30 September 2026: For umbrella funds in the TMPR, the FCA will assign landing slots to EEA fund managers in alphabetical order of the fund management company. Fund managers will be able to submit their applications at any time during their assigned three-month landing slot.

Advantages of RiskSave

  • 7+ years of reviewing retail clients communications and over 10,000 FPs approved.

  • Successful completion of FCA review process of over 1,000 FPs

  • In-house technology giving clean audit trail 

  • AI enhanced supervision.

  • Processes supervised by Certified Financial Risk Managers (FRMs)

  • Clients include listed Multinationals and some of Europe's most exciting FinTechs.

  • Each client gets a dedicated case officer in either London or Edinburgh

  • The only B-Corp offering OFR supervision