News & Insights

News and Insights

Corona Virus: Our offer to help small asset managers and FinTechs

For smaller asset managers and fintechs RiskSave has templates and can create a free Coronavirus-Specific Work From Home Policy for you: Please get in touch for a free policy.

Sadly the situation will likely get worse before it gets better, there will be significant changes and significant disruption in financial services and this will hurt smaller firms hardest. For investment managers and entrepreneurs operational issues can easily become a secondary concern when the capital markets are as volatile as they are now. All firms will need a relevant and up-to-date Work From Home Policy, either allowing employees to work from home (potentially for the first time) or requiring all employees to work from home (which RiskSave is currently mandating). As an employer, more flexibility, leads to happier loyal people but specific issues for FCA regulated firms should be noted.

If you run a small fund or fintech please get in touch with the team and we are here to help. We’re very happy to share some of our internal expertise to help with the strain we are all under.

Good luck and stay healthy.

Daniel Tammas-Hastings